Ingress Park

Greenhithe, Kent

Situated within the heart of the Thames Gateway, and overlooking the River Thames at Greenhithe, this large scale comprehensive redevelopment creates a 21st Century Kent hill-town from a steeply sloping and heavily constrained site.


Crest Nicholson

  • 30 hectare, 1450 homes on brownfield site – previously
  • 40,000 sq. ft. retail and restaurant/bar
  • Restored/converted Grade II Listed Ingress Abbey and landscape structures
  • CABE/OPDM Gold Award, also RTPI and Kent Design Awards
  • Series of distinct character areas
  • Site specific design enabled densification and new setting for Abbey
  • Layout design makes best use of existing historic structures and topography
  • New Thames footpath provided along waterfront linking with Greenhithe village
  • Masterplan incorporates ‘Fastrack’ bus route with partially dedicated roads
  • Cycle and pedestrian routes forge links with surrounding areas
  • Architecture influenced by Kent vernacular in early phases
  • Later waterfront phases use more contemporary architectural language

Ingress Park Waterfront and Pier – Crest Nicholson

  • 400 mixed-tenure apartments and 40,000 sq.ft retail, leisure and community facilities (doctors/pharmacy)
  • Dense development provides critical mass to support construction of Local Centre to serve Ingress Park
  • Waterfront and Pier take on contemporary character whilst retaining some of materials used on earlier phases
  • Continuity with earlier phases provided by landscape design and materials including Pier Boardwalk
  • Layout designed to allow sunlight and views between buildings, linking series of riverside spaces to central spaces
  • Designed to provide animated ground and roofscapes
  • Gradual increase in scale from interfaces with earlier phases to waterfront, culminating with 15 storey corner Pier building
  • Balconies wrapped/protected by design of building on waterfront, winter gardens also provided
  • A spectacular final flourish to complete Ingress Park

Work carried out on new-build design by Warren Howling while Associate Director at GSA.

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